Frequently Asked Questions
what is the booking process?
Once you submit an inquiry from the contact page, and I confirm availability, you will receive a contract and retainer invoice. There is a 50% non refundable retainer for your session which can be applied via online payment. Once that has been taken care of, the date is officially yours!
rescheduling/ cancelation policy
Things happen, it's life. The more notice you can give me for rescheduling the better, so I can ensure that I am available for your new date.
As for cancelations; my booking retainers are non-refundable and were taken to save your date, as I have likely turned down other clients.
When can I expect the final images?
Final images will be delivered via an online gallery within 2 weeks after your portrait session.
Rushed galleries available upon request! A rushed gallery is first come first serve, and completed and delivered less than 5 days after your session. Rushed galleries are an additional $100.00, due on/before the day of your scheduled session.
Can i have access to the raw unedited files?
As per your signed contract, I do not provide my clients with any unedited RAW files. These files don't represent my work, brand, and name. The unedited, RAW files are not my complete work and are not accessible for free.
Do I have to order prints through you?
Nope not at all! All galleries include a print release so you are able to print your photos wherever you would like. But be warned, while they're definitely convenient, local chain print shops just don't have the same quality as professional print labs.